Don’t Get Stuck On Stupid

Eric Wright Jr.
2 min readAug 21, 2021

I have to admit that I am a combative person. I will stick up for myself or often push to have my ideas or opinion understood. Standing up for myself or expressing my ideas is not wrong at all but it can land me in weird positions.

I find myself explaining to people who are unwilling to understand or who lack the knowledge to understand. I don’t like being pestered by dumb questions and its difficult fighting the urge to react. Especially when someone is attempting to attack or challenge my character.

In moments of back and forth I’m learning its simply better to withdraw than to have my energy sucked out of me from beating a dead horse. My demeanor may make people feel uncomfortable but I usually don’t on plan making others feel less than or challenged. I have a strong straight face and monotone voice lol. A lot of what I say comes off blunt but it’s normally coming from a place of love or ease. Knowing this about myself, I must be conscious of how I may make others feel. It’s not my job to analyze others full emotional state, but being aware can bring ease to my life. I do not wish to engage in stupid or petty arguments. Defending myself is a waste of time to someone who already feels like I’ve wronged them. I’d rather have my peace of mind than battle for something that won’t equate to a win. I’m tired of it and it’s pointless.

Stay away from stupid if you can, sincerely a Virgo Moon. Peace and love 🤎🖤



Eric Wright Jr.

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